Well, I'm sitting on the couch trying to write a paper and watching Bridge to Terebithia at the same time, which probably isn't the best idea. However, I'm within about 500 words or so of being finished with the paper. Unfortunately, the topic for the paper (Herbert Butterfield) is a person that my professor knows a lot about -- most of the sources I came up with, he wrote... So this paper is a pretty intimidating challenge.
It's still hard to believe that the school year will be over soon. Last night I was feeling a little depressed, so I spent most of the night watching Howl's Moving Castle (I should have been doing homework). But, I'm confident that I will be able to finish the paper in the next hour/hour and a half and then I can focus much more on packing. Mom and Sam will show up on Friday to take most of my stuff home, then I'll be home for Tulip Time the next week.
Watching movies like Howl's Moving Castle and Bridge to Terebithia makes me wish that I was making better use of my creative talents. Unfortunately, I have very little spare creative energy because I have to write papers and write a movie script (a large undertaking, I must admit). Hopefully this summer I will have the opportunity to write more poetry and fiction...that sounds so good.
Back to Butterfield and reality...
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